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There are many different spreads you can use to gain clairty and recieve guidance around work, money, relationships (romantic and nonromantic), getting back on the right path, and/or finding love. 


Different Spreads: 


-celtic cross: a 10 card spread that shows where you're at, where your going, where you've been, how you feel, what your enviornment is doing to shape you, your hopes and fears, and the outcome if everything remains the same. This is good for complicated situations that involve in depth detail as to what the situation holds, and all factors involved. 


-financial spread: a 5 card spread that shows your current financial foundation, will you make money (this year), financial opportunity arising, how you will make money, and the outcome. This is good for anyone transitioning into an entreprenaur role, 


-romantic/nonromantic relationships: there are several spreads I use for this category of Tarot; 


1. The Choice between 2 paths: if you need to know what to do about a relationship (should I stay or should I go) we will pull 9 cards the represent the path, the pros and cons, and the outcome of both paths. 


2. The Meet Somone New Spread: a 12 card spread that shows: 

  • 1- your new love interest

  • 2- their vocation- what they do for a living

  • 3- their best side

  • 4- their flaws

  • 5- what you can expect physically, their “look”

  • 6- their first impression of you

  • 7- your first impression of them

  • 8- their emotional connection with you

  • 9- your emotional connection with them

  • 10- the strengths of your relationship

  • 11- the weaknesses of your relationship

  • 12- long term potential 


3.Let Love In Spread: This spread is for people who are wanting to find love, but facing challenges in attracting it to you. The cards will tell you where you are at emotionally, the universal/spiritual reason you are not in relationship/what you need to learn, what you can do it about (action to take, attitude about it), advice, and the outcome if you learn the lesson you need to learn. 













if you are piled under worry, free, stress, and anxiety over money, relationships, work,  and finding love (or if you're just curious about your furture, and can't seem to stop thinking about it) a tarot reading will lay it out for you what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong, and what's going to happen. 



How Do Tarot Readings Work? 

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Soul Astrology Readings 

If you're interested in learning more about the Soul you are and what you came here to learn and teach then a Soul Astrology reading is for you. In this reading you get a full email report on your solar and lunar eclipse, which depicts what you came to teach, and what you came to learn. I use the book Spiritual Astrology to gather the information, and my own intuition to guide and help you anazyle where you are at in your Soul Mission, and how to progress further to become the Master of your Reality.  

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